Companies, start-ups, financial institutions, hybrid organizations
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This research area of Ciber investigates the return to the common good of companies and start-ups, financial institutions, hybrid organizations, and social sector firms, in particular to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For financial institutions, the focus is on how they achieve the financial inclusion of the most disadvantaged clients. The trajectories of success and failure of financial products and institutions, measured not only by financial aspects but also by social aspects, are identified and modelled.
Another research focus is on newly created companies and start-ups, especially in sectors such as technology, social entrepreneurship, and circular economy companies. We measure the return to society of start-ups, identifying the factors that maximize return and modelling causal relationships.
We investigate whether belonging to depopulated areas can be a handicap or a success factor for a company, identifying the circumstances that favour a positive return on investment and social impact.
Selected Publications
- Cuéllar-Fernández, B., Fuertes-Callén, Y., and Serrano-Magdalena, A. (2024). Factors behind the resilience of rural startups, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 206, 123521.
- Fuertes-Callén, Y., Cuéllar-Fernández, B., and Serrano-Magdalena, A. (2024). The impact of startup subsidies on survival, growth, and stakeholder value, Journal of Small Business Management, 1-29.
- Serrano-Magdalena, A., Fuertes-Callén, Y., and Cuéllar-Fernández, B. (2024). Financial performance of new circular economy companies in rural settings, Small Business Economics.
- Serrano Cinca, C., Cuellar Fernández, B. and Fuertes Callén, Y. (2023). Pathways to self-sufficiency in the microfinance ecosystem, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,92, 262-273.
- Serrano-Cinca, C.; Fuertes-Callén, Y. and Cuéllar-Fernández, B. (2023). The relationship between microfinance mission drift and financial returns to stakeholders, Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(6), 1609-1632.
- Fuertes-Callén, Y., Cuéllar-Fernández, B., and Serrano-Cinca, C. (2022). Predicting startup survival using first years financial statements, Journal of Small Business Management, 60(6), 1314-1350.
- Serrano-Cinca, C., Fuertes-Callén, Y., and Cuéllar-Fernández, B. (2022). The relationship between microfinance mission drift and financial returns to stakeholders, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 0(0).
- Serrano-Cinca, C., Cuéllar-Fernández, B., and Fuertes-Callén, Y. (2021). Firm and Country Characteristics Related to Cumulative Contribution to Society, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 12(1), 184-219.
- Serrano-Cinca, C., and Gutiérrez-Nieto, B. (2016). The use of profit scoring as an alternative to credit scoring systems in peer-to-peer (P2P) lending. Decision Support Systems, 89, 113-122.
- Hernandez-Ortega, B., Serrano-Cinca, C., and Gomez-Meneses, F. (2014). The firm’s continuance intentions to use inter-organizational ICTs: The influence of contingency factors and perceptions. Information and Management, 51(6), 747-761.
- Serrano-Cinca, C., and Gutiérrez-Nieto, B. (2014). Microfinance, the long tail and mission drift. International Business Review, 23(1), 181-194.
- Serrano-Cinca, C., and Gutiérrez-Nieto, B. (2013). Partial least square discriminant analysis for bankruptcy prediction. Decision Support Systems, 54(3), 1245-1255.
- Gutiérrez-Nieto, B., Serrano-Cinca, C., and Mar-Molinero, C. (2007). Microfinance Institutions and Efficiency. Omega, 35(2), 131-142.