Ruth Gimeno
Assistant Professor
Email: rgimeno@unizar.es
Short bio
Ruth Gimeno is an Assistant Professor from the Department of Accounting and Finance, and an associate researcher at the Institute on Employment, Digital Society and Sustainability (IEDIS) at the University of Zaragoza . She received her doctorate from the University of Zaragoza in 2021 after the defense of the thesis “Three essays on fund managers’ abilities: learning, autonomy and divergent trading”.
She has been visiting researcher at the University of Cologne. Her research mainly focuses on mutual funds and manager behaviour. She has analysed the learning process in the management of mutual funds from important errors. She has also examined the level of similarity among mutual fund portfolios and its implications for individual investors in terms of diversification and performance. In addition, she has studied the divergence level among mutual trading decisions of portfolio holdings both at the fund level and at the fund family level.
She has published her research in Finance Research Letters, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Research in International Business and Finance, and International Review of Financial Analysis, among others. She has attended international conferences such as European Financial Management Association, Annual Global Finance Conference and Finance Forum.
Finally, she has been an assistant member of different research projects funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), State Research Agency (AEI) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Government of Aragon and also the University of Zaragoza and Fundacion Ibercaja.
Selected Publications
- Andreu, L., Gimeno, R., and Serrano, M. (2023). Family competition via divergence in the trading of funds, Finance Research Letters, 52, 103548
- Gimeno, R., Andreu, L., and Sarto, J.L. (2022). Fund Trading Divergence and Performance Contribution, International Review of Financial Analysis, 83, 102221.
- Andreu, L., Gimeno, R., and Ortiz, C. (2022). Diversification and manager autonomy in fund families: implications for investors, Research in International Business and Finance, 60, 101605.
- Gimeno, R., Ortiz, C., and Sarto, J.L. (2021). Mutual Fund Voluntary Portfolio Disclosure. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(5), 1474-1488.
- Gimeno, R., Loban, L., and Vicente, L. (2020). A neural approach to the value investing tool F-score, Finance Research Letters, 37, 101367.